Railway Superstructure Accessories – Railway Fasteners

We trade railway superstructure accessories – railway fasteners for railroads, track rails, railway sleepers, and rubber buffers for tram tracks.

BAUMASCHINEN TOMI SRL is authorized by AFER based on RAILWAY TECHNICAL APPROVAL series AT no. 680/2017 – Trading of critical railway products for railroad and subway infrastructure

Do you need railway fasteners for railroads, track rails, railway sleepers, and rubber buffers for tram tracks?

Here is where you can find what you need.

We provide quality and safety of our products, Railway Superstructure Accessories – Railway Fasteners, consultancy and warranty.

Haven’t you yet found the specialists to supply and trade small railway material for railroads, railway products destined for the railroad and subway infrastructure? Baumaschinen Tomi gives you all of these.

Railway Fasteners

Do you need small railway material for railroads, track rails, railway sleepers, and rubber buffers, tram tracks?

We provide a wide range of Railway Superstructure Accessories – Railway Fasteners

Are you in the search for certain small railway material and also a specialist in the field who can provide practical solutions and guaranteed products? You play a winning game with us.

Baumaschinen Tomi SRL is a promoter of long-term partnerships, bearing in mind the customer’s wishes, providing practical answers and solutions and high quality for all products. It sells new or second hand Railway Fasteners.

Why resort to us for railway products, Railway Fasteners, trail rails, railway sleepers or rubber buffers for tram tracks?


Here is why you should buy from us:


  • We provide high quality Railway Fasteners

The partnerships with manufacturers in the field help us to provide you with high quality products and any desired component. We offer railway products, new and second-hand products of Railway Fasteners


  • We have the state-of-the-art technique of our suppliers

Based on new techniques and state-of-the-art equipment, we guarantee the quality of the railway products and the services provided. We provide railway products in accordance with the recommended standards and norms in the field, ensuring the required quality and compliance certifications.


  • We offer fair prices

We provide the requested product at the right price. Our main features that recommend us is the quality and diversity of products at the right prices. Customer’s wishes are our number one priority.


  • We offer promptness and warranty for any new product

Through the partnerships with countless domestic suppliers and from across Europe, we guarantee the safe delivery of any product or part of Railway Superstructure Accessories – Railway Fasteners in a relatively short time. We only provide products accompanied by warranty certificates and in accordance with the latest rules in force.


  • We supply any type of small urban railway material or subway material

The high-quality range of products, short delivery terms, pre and post-sale consultancy are the top features that recommend us and generate long-term partnerships.


What recommends us as supplier of railway products, railway fasteners?


We are a company with wide experience in the distribution of new or second-hand railway products

  • Baumaschinen Tomi SRL is active on the import and sales market of spare parts and railway products.
  • We are open to collaboration and ready to face any challenge.
  • We have young, well-trained employees interested in completely satisfying the demands of each customer.
  • We work in partnerships so that we can provide complex, complementary products, have a common vision over things, transforming simple business connections into long-lasting relationships.
  • We provide the product requested at the right price.
  • We collaborate with top suppliers across Europe and promise the delivery of products in the shortest time possible.
  • We are the promoters of long-term partnerships and we place the customer first by providing practical solutions and answers.
  • We provide optimal quality and warranty of products.


We import and supply railway products, new and second hand small railway material: fish plates, railway clips, metallic base plates, rail clip tools, lag screws, spring-rings, cram irons, horizontal and vertical bolts and screws, concrete railway sleepers and wooden railway sleepers, rail tracks, dowels for railway sleepers, polyethylene plates and rubber plates, rubber buffers and profiles for tram rails and other railway materials.

Do you need railway fasteners, railway tracks, rubber railway sleepers or profiles for tram rails?

Railway products, small railway material supplied by Baumaschinen Tomi SRL

Railway Superstructure Accessories

We provide new and second hand railway fasteners elements. They include all the elements for binding tracks and cross rails together and railway-specific devices.

  • Laminated small material
  • Threaded small material
  • Wire-drawn small material
  • Other small railway materials: spring-rings, staples, devices, etc.
  • Other materials which contribute to the improvement of safety and comfort conditions on urban railways.

Laminated small material

This category of products includes all the elements designed to bind the tracks and cross rails, as well as some railway-specific devices such as:

  • Metallic Base plates
  • Metallic fish plates
  • Rail clip tools

Wire-drawn small material

  • Lag screws
  • Spring-rings
  • Cramp irons
  • Devices against the slipping of the rails

Threaded small material

We provide railway threaded small material which includes all the elements designed to bind the tracks and cross rails, as well as some railway-specific devices such as:

  • Horizontal bolts
  • Vertical bolts
  • Bolts for railway track equipment

Railway track equipment

We provide railway track equipment or fixed track installation built for level ramification and crossing of railway tracks. The main categories of railway track equipment are the railway sleepers, intersection legs and (railroad) switch devices.

Rails and railway sleepers

The iron rails or the main elements of the railroad’s superstructure are made of long, laminated beams made from special steel and profiles adequate for the purpose to be served.

In Romania, the following types of rails are used:

– rail type 40, rail type 45 – light rail
– rail type 49, rail type 54 – average rail
– rail type 60, rail type 65 – heavy rail

Railway sleepers

Railway sleepers or the elements that include the superstructure of the railway have the role to absorb the loads received from the rails, and to transmit them, in a contracted manner, to the guide prism.

Dowels for concrete railway sleepers, railway polyethylene plates

High density polyethylene repair dowels are elements for the attachment of the rail track on the railway sleeper and are used to replace the wooden dowels in the concrete railway sleepers for the railway.

The polyethylene plates for railways are components of the attachment of the rail track on the railway sleepers between the metallic plate and the sleeper, on a current line or on railway track equipment, with the role of damping and electro-insulation.

Rubber plates for the attachment of CFR-type rails

Rubber plates for the attachment of CFR-type rails– K49B, K49L, K60B and K60L, are mounted between the flange of the rail and the metallic plate for a uniform repartition of vertical efforts transmitted to the track of the rolling stock, providing shock absorption, highly increasing the electric resistance between the rails of the track, as well as diminishing the sound and vibrations.

Rubber buffers for tram rails

Materials which contribute to the improvement of the safety and comfort conditions on the URBAN RAILWAYS.

Baumaschinen Tomi SRL is your main supplier of railway products, small railway material.

With us you can have the product you want in the shortest time. Everything is possible also due to our partnerships with renowned suppliers on the domestic and foreign markets.

Send a request at the e-mail address vanzari@baumaschinentomi.ro as “it is cheaper to make everything right from the beginning”.

  • All
  • Material marunt cale ferata


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